Yoga Asanas that are Good for a Woman's Mind, Body and Soul - Poothendral - Passion makes Life Beautiful


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Saturday 14 October 2017

Yoga Asanas that are Good for a Woman's Mind, Body and Soul

Usually women are much more prone to the following common ailments that hamper their everyday life by creating an emotional imbalance.

  • For lower back ache - Ustrasana, Bhujangaasana, Makaraasana, Markatasana, Shalabhasana.
  • For irregular cycle like PCOs - Bhujangasana, Naukasana, Dhanurasana, Shava Asana, Kapalabhati.
  • For thyroid imbalance - Bhramari, Halasana, Ustrasana, Dhanurasana, Bhujangasana.
  • For weight gain - Suryanamaskara, Veerabhadrasana, Ardhachandrasana, Bhujangasana, Veerabhadrasana, Kapalabhati.
  • For constipation - Mayurasana, Halasana, Pavanamukthasana, Bhujangasana.
  • For depression - Brahmari, Pranayama, Suryanamaskara, Naukasana.

These Asanas will help ease out the symptoms and provide you with much needed relief.

Note: Before practicing any form of Yoga Asanas, please consult your doctor and have a trusted instructor.

Surya Namaskara

  1. Stretches the muscles of the body. 
  2. Increases flexibility. 
  3. Creates hormonal balance. 
  4. Helps in detoxification. 
  5. Surya Namaskara Improves digestion. 
  6. Preferred in weight loss, PCOs, thyroid ailment, depression.

Kapalabhati Pranayama (Sukha Asana)

  1. Helps with weight loss. 
  2. Improves digestion.


  1. Improves digestion. 
  2. Stimulates ovarian function. 
  3. Pressures abdominal organs. 
  4. Helps in PCOs, weight loss and constipation.

Halasana and Ustrasana

  1. Enables compression.
  2. Stretches the neck to stimulate the thyroid gland.
  3. Preferred in curing thyroid and depression.


  1. Stretches the muscles of the thighs, buttocks and tummy.
  2. Helps in weight loss, PCOs, and cures irregular cycles.


  1. Burns off love handles.
  2. Tones buttocks, upper and inner thighs.
  3. Burns tummy fat.


  1. Stretches the hamstrings.
  2. Creates pressure in the abdominal organs.
  3. Blood rushes to the head more efficiently.
  4. Helps cure depression, thyroid imbalance, weight loss and constipation.


  1. Should be practiced after every Asana.
  2. Relaxes all the organs and the body.
  3. Blood circulation improves.
  4. Soothes the mind and the body.
  5. Treats depression and constipation.


  1. Balances body flexibility. 
  2. Strengthens your back. 
  3. Creates pressure in the abdomen. 
  4. Helps in PCOD, thyroidal imbalance and weight loss.


  1. Relaxes the nerves and the central nervous system.
  2. Detoxifies the body. Improves the respiratory system.
  3. Improves digestion. Controls anger. Improves depression.
  4. Helps in respiratory tract infections.
  5. Increases the stability of the cardiovascular system and the entire body and mind. 


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